The Grand Bloom


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Bold and welcoming, this grand opening arrangement is full of cheerfulness. Roses and seasonal blends beautifully set up on a skinny metallic tripod. Pictures for illustration purposes only. Every arrangement is to unqiue your preferences, let us know your needs.


Stand Height: 38" H

Arrangement Size: Approx. 30"W x 20"H


We can accept same-day delivery orders until 11:00 am, from Tuesday to Sunday. For larger orders such as grand opening arrangement, please call us to ensure we are able to accommodate the order. Our deliveries time are generally between 12:00 pm and 5:00 pm and may be later on our busiest days. We are unable to guarantee specific deliveries due to the traffic, weather etc. If you have any question about delivery, please call us.


Pictures are for illustrative purposes. There will be seasonal variance to the accompanying pieces while maintaining consistent theme. As always, you can expect the highest quality of floral arrangements from De Novo.

Collections: Congratulation

Type: Arrangement