De Novo's Christmas Bouquet


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Calm and reverie, let this holiday edition of our classic De Novo Bouquet bring you a White Christmas feel with light colour roses, lisianthus, and dashes of greens. Comparable to our medium-sized bouquets.


Approx 16"W x 18"H with 12-15 stems of flowers and assorted foliage. Packed with water at the bottom and wrapped in cellophane packaging with navy ribbon.


We can accept same-day delivery orders until 11:00 am, from Tuesday to Sunday. Our deliveries are generally between 1:00 pm and 5:00 pm, it might be later on holidays or during the wedding season. We are unable to guarantee specific deliveries due to the traffic, weather etc. If you have any question about delivery, please call us.


Pictures are for illustrative purposes. There will be a seasonal variance to the accompanying pieces while maintaining a consistent theme. As always, you can expect the highest quality of floral arrangements from De Novo.


Type: Hand-tied Bouquet